Saturday, June 27, 2009

it could be the time we're living in, we'll never feel so safe again.....

There's a lot of beauty in this world. The sky, the trees, the oceans and rivers, and many of the people; but sometimes a person forgets that we come from a beautiful place and enter into ugliness. I'm not talking about how they look, because as adults (or near adults) we should know that looks don't define how a person is on the inside (see how I kid myself and pretend that people know that?). People can be straight up mean. I was picked on for most of my life - definitely an ugly duck syndrome. When I lived in Brasil, my nickname in grade school was macaco, which is Portuguese for monkey. Anybody who knows me now knows how much I've learned to embrace my monkey features, but it wasn't always like that. When I moved to America I always got shit because of where I was from; even though in Brasil I'm white, in America I definitely am not. Luckily, I have been able to rise above how others have treated me in regards to how I look. I know I'm not the prettiest girl in the world, but I am beautiful to those who love me and to myself. I've also been able to embrace my heritage. I'll talk to anyone who will listen about Brasil and the wonderful people who live in my great country! Some people aren't that resilient though. Some people haven't had positive outreach like I have luckily had. You have to remember that everyone has gone through something and that no matter what kind of face people put on, they hurt too. Before you make a snide comment or are rude, think about how what you are saying will really affect the person. If you have to, think about how it would make you feel if you were in their shoes. I know that one little girl's blog isn't going to change the world, but you have to start somewhere. Racism, sexism, homophobia, other prejudices, and meanness won't end with one person; but they can end IN one person and that will help make your life and the lives of others more beautiful.

And you're so dumb spell check. Brasil is the Portuguese spelling for Brazil. You were wrong, I was right spell check....Oh that is how you spell Wednesday...

(2 points for whoever gets that reference!)

(Unless Davey gets it, because you are a comedian - you should know it)

.....but love always remains